There are two essential presumptions for payment cards acceptation
Acquirer (The Acceptation Entity)
(bank /specialized company )
In the past there were following banks in the Czech Republic having a license for ensuring payment cards acceptation (in alphabetical order):
Česká spořitelna, a.s.
Československá obchodní banka, a.s.
Komerční banka, a.s.
MONETA Money Bank, a.s.
Raiffeisenbank, a.s.
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s.
Nowadays the payment cards acceptation is offered by more banks or specialized companies (with license or registration from the Czech National Bank and payment card companies), also from foreign countries.
Acceptation is understood as for payment cards acceptation by merchants in brick-and-mortal stores or on internet (e-commerce).
Corresponding HW and SW
HW is mostly an electronic payment terminal (POS) equipped by corresponding SW (especially financial application – generally affected by acquirer). HW type is affected by the needs of merchants, the most common are standalone terminals (communicating through dial-up or Ethernet), ev. terminals with limited mobile communication (e. g. in restaurants – BT communication through fixed base) or completely mobile terminals using GPRS communication. Terminals can also be coupled with pin-pad, ev. fixed in self-service kiosks (e. g. for usage at petrol stations with 24/7 operation, vendor machines, public transportation, entrance turnstiles etc.)
Independent special SW is used e. g. in case of internet acceptations (e-commerce), for PC/NTB/cell phones or other devices.
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